Logo • Business Cards • Social Media Banners


BSG wanted a brand that really captured its unique nature as a business transformation company with a different slant. They needed it to reflect the spiritual and mental dimension that they used within their change techniques.


We started by looking at symbols from times past that represented what they used within their change techniques and worked with how this can be used within the logo mark. We looked at many forms and how this can be changed into a unique symbol for them but in the end, the grid on which they used their prisms was the best solution for them. Colour was important as they wanted to represent the spiritual side of the business and as well as the professional companies they would be working with.


It’s always rewarding to help develop a new companies brand to help them at the beginning of their new business adventure. The new logo and brand have helped to give the business to start to identify itself with new clients and become established in the field they are entering into.

Can we help you?

Do you have a business that needs to reflect on its brand or needs to be rebranded altogether? If so contact us today for a no obligation 30 min discovery call to see how we could help.

Email or call 01773 317 148